This section contains a list of key experts on democratic decay working in public law, including constitutional law, regional law, and international law. As mentioned in the main Experts page, some experts span law, other disciplines, and policy, and are included in all lists.
Indonesia - comparative constitutional law - constitutional retrogression concept - constitutional amendment
USA - law - democratic accountability - political parties - campaign finance - public assemblies
Turkey - constitutional law - human rights - EU dimension - de-constitutionalism in Turkey
Turkey - public law - legal theory - judicial populism - comparative work on Turkey, Russian, Brazilian and US courts
Hungary - constitutional law - constitutional amendment - rule of law Hungary/Germany - constitutional theory - constitutional amendment - rule of law - human rights
USA - constitutional law - constitutional theory - constitutional rot in the USA - Balkinization blog
Turkey/USA - public international law - human rights - comparative constitutional law (global) - comparative politics (global)
Brazil - courts - judicial activism - stability of Brazilian democracy
Hungary - constitutional law - EU dimension
Italy - democratic governance in the EU - legal adviser at the Permanent Representation of Italy to the European Union
Brazil - constitutional law - comparative constitutional law - constitutional theory - abusive impeachment - courts
Colombia/Australia – comparative constitutional law - transitional justice - unconstitutional constitutional amendments
Poland - constitutional law - illiberal constitutionalism - constitutional change - rule of law - national identity
Netherlands - public international law - law of international organizations - international rule of law - rule-making processes - interaction between national and international legal orders - theory of international law
Slovenia - populism - liberal democracy - East Central Europe
Netherlands - law - human rights - civic space - freedom of expression
Croatia – EU law - EU courts –interaction of EU and national courts – protection of fundamental rights
Ireland - constitutional law and theory - populism - democracy - separation of powers
Spain/UK - law and political science - constitutional courts - judicial politics and democracy - democracy protection in regional organisations
Hong Kong/USA - Hong Kong and Singapore - constitutional law - authoritarian constitutionalism - abusive legalism
India - constitutional retrogression - public law and impunity
USA - comparative constitutional law (global) - constitutional theory - history of militant democracy - Weimar - constitutional design
Netherlands – public law and EU law - relationship between European and national constitutional law - development of a European constitutional space - common constitutional principles and the concept of national constitutional identity
Spain/Italy - EU law - rule of law in the EU - institutional solutions
Ireland/Australia - comparative constitutional law (global) - international organisations - democratic theory - democratic decay
Canada - comparative constitutional law - comparative law of democracy - constitutional design - democratic theory
South Africa - constitutional law - Constitutionally Speaking blog
USA – politics and international affairs – federalism - state constitutionalism - state politics - US political development
Australia - comparative constitutional law (global) - constitutional amendment - constitutional design - abusive constitutional borrowings
Ireland - comparative constitutional law (global) - constitutional conventions
Hungary/Poland - constitutional law - illiberal constitutionalism and democracy - constitutional identity
Czech Republic - Central Europe - constitutional law - separation of powers
USA - constitutional law - separation of powers - unitary executive theory - systemic risk
Belgium/UK – EU law - relationships between different legal systems, national, European, and international - application of EU human-rights standards in national law - connecting and integrating legal systems to combat legal fragmentation
Italy - constitutional law - constitutional theory - constitutional identity - neo-populism
France - public international law - international organisations - EU, MERCOSUR
Philippines - constitutional law - comparative constitutional law - constitutional theory - constitutional amendment
USA - comparative constitutional law (global) - comparative politics - constitutional retrogression concept - USA and worldwide
Germany - public international law - international organisations - authoritarian liberalism
USA - constitutional law - crisis of democracy
Norway - sociology of law - judges, democratic decay, and authoritarian rule - judicial accountability - Project: ‘Judges Under Stress (JuS): The Breaking Point of Judicial Institutions’
Ireland/UK - constitutional law - human rights law - states of emergency - terrorism
Ireland/UK - EU law - rule of law in the EU
Israel - constitutional law and theory - constitutional populism and democracy
India/USA - comparative constitutional law (global) - liberal constitutionalism
Germany - Europe - EU - crisis of constitutional democracy
Hungary/Italy/USA - Europe - EU - rule of law in the EU - constitutionalism post-democratic transition
Israel - constitutional theory - populism and democracy
USA - liberalism and illiberalism in Europe - theoretical foundations of liberalism - deep state and democratic accountability - traumatic legacy of 1989
Israel - Comparative constitutional law (global) - intersection between international law and constitutional law (comparative) - constitutional identity - social solidarity
USA - comparative constitutional law (global) - comparative politics - constitutional retrogression concept - USA and worldwide
USA - comparative constitutional law (global) - comparative politics - fragile democracies - USA and worldwide
USA – constitutional law – comparative constitutional law - constitutional design – importance of objectivity institutions (e.g. universities, media) to democracy
USA – constitutional and comparative law – constitutional theory - constitutional identity – secularism
Austria/Hungary - comparative constitutional law - legal theory - constitutional theory - EU law - rule of law in the EU
Hungary - Romania - crisis of democracy
USA - political science - rule of law in the EU - courts - national authoritarianism
India/Australia - constitutional law - constitutional retrogression - constitutional theory
USA - free speech law - regulating online threats to democracy
South Africa/USA – constitutional law – comparative law – human rights – democratic transitions – international legal regimes
Netherlands - EU law - rule of law in the EU
Poland/USA - constitutional law - constitutional theory - constitutional capture - politics of resentment - rule of law in the EU
Czech Republic - Central Europe - constitutional law - separation of powers
Hungary - constitutional law - constitutional amendment
Bulgaria/Austria - comparative politics - Central and Eastern Europe - EU - Europe - illiberalism
Australia - legal theory - rule of law - rule by law - law after Communism - Central and Eastern Europe
USA - comparative constitutional law (global) - constitutional amendment - constitutional design - abusive constitutionalism - abusive constitutional borrowings
Israel – political science - comparative constitution writing - religion and politics - democratic theory - global justice
USA - constitutional law - constitutional design - US state constitutions
Hong Kong - Hong Kong Basic Law - Rule of law decline - Chinese Central Authorities - Local judicial and legal decay
Hungary - political theory - militant democracy - civil disobedience - state of emergency
Israel - EU law - rule of law in the EU
Japan - constitutional law - abusive constitutionalism - authoritarian constitutionalism
Israel - constitutional law - human rights - liberal democracy
USA – public law – transnational law– German law and legal culture - judicial politics
Germany - voting - electoral interference
Israel - constitutional retrogression - constitutional democracy
Canada/USA - comparative politics - constitutional law - law and courts in authoritarian regimes - "rule by law" concept (Egypt and global)
Mexico - constitutional law - constitutional theory - authoritarian constitutionalism
Turkey - Comparative constitutional review - legal reasoning - populism and the courts - gender equality - democratic consolidation
Nigeria - public law - constitutionalism, democratisation, law and social change - constitutional reforms - constitution and nation-building
Canada - comparative constitutional law - law of democracy - democratic resilience
Hungary - sociology - rule of law - nationalism - Central and Eastern Europe
France/UK - EU law - rule of law in the EU - law and policy
UK - EU law - rule of law in the EU
Brazil - comparative constitutional law (global) - human rights - judicial review legitimacy - transitional justice - democratic backsliding
Croatia – EU law - EU global leadership in the rule of law – EU courts – general principles and legal system of the EU
Romania/USA - comparative constitutional law - cosmopolitanism - self-government
Estonia - Baltic states - comparative politics - democratization - party systems -ethnopolitics
Austria - public international law - law of international organizations - democratic governance and international law - role of regional organisations in defending democracy and the rule of law
Poland - rule of law - rule of law standards - democratic transition
Germany – public law – public international law – constitutional identity – unconstitutional constitutional amendments – states of exception
Israel - comparative constitutional law - US constitutional law - liberal democracy
Israel - comparative constitutional law (global) - constitutional amendment - constitutional democracy
Poland - comparative constitutional law - Central and Eastern Europe - rule of law - European constitutionalism
Venezuela - comparative politics - constitutional law - Venezuela - Latin America - courts
Brazil/UK - public international law - democracy and cyberspace - human rights and technology
Greece - international public law - international organisations - OAS - Inter-American Democratic Charter
Canada – law, political science and international affairs – citizenship theory – immigration – multiculturalism
USA - comparative constitutional law (global) - sociology of law - rule of law in the EU - autocratic legalism - rule of law backsliding
USA – constitutional law – comparative constitutionalism – Latin American studies – Argentina
Germany/Thailand - international law and international organisations - European Court of Human Rights - free speech - anti-democratic political parties
USA - constitutional law - constitutional politics - court packing - judicial appointments
Australia - legal philosophy - rule of law - intellectual history of the rule of law
India - public law - democracy - criminalisation of politics
USA - constitutional, administrative and foreign relations law - political theory - institutional design - economic power and constitutional governance
Hungary - comparative constitutional law - Central and Eastern Europe - Hungary
Peru - international public law - international organisations - OAS - Inter-American Democratic Charter
Germany - comparative constitutional law - rule of law in the EU - Germany
Israel - comparative constitutional law - constitutional capture
USA - constitutional law - political theory - authoritarianism in the USA
Romania/UK - constitutional law - populism - post-authoritarian constitutionalism - unconstitutional constitutions
Israel/USA - constitutional law - comparative constitutional law - crisis of constitutional democracies - analytical and theoretical issues relating to constitutional norms/conventions supporting constitutional democracies
USA - constitutional law - comparative constitutional law - legal history
Hungary - Central and Eastern Europe - constitutional law - comparative constitutional law -post-Communist constitutionalism
Bulgaria/UK - Public law - private law - EU law - rule of law - human rights - democracy
Hungary - EU law - rule of law in the EU - European Court of Justice
Germany - Economic Analysis of Law - Economic Effects of Constitutional Law - Courts and Judiciary - Emergency Constitutions
Germany - public international law - international law of democracy - EU - rule of law in the EU - courts - reverse Solange doctrine
Germany - constitutional law - public debate - attacks on judiciary - judicial appointments
Austria - constitutional law - constitutional theory - democratic theory - transnational militant democracy
South Africa - African Regional Law - African Regional Organisations - African Union and Regional Economic Communities (RECs)
Japan - constitutional law - global law - authoritarian constitutionalism in Japan