External Course Materials
This section provides access to Teaching Resources and Course Materials from selected courses worldwide concerning topics relevant to democratic decay.
A RANGE OF course materials
The first Course Materials were uploaded in early November 2018:
‘Digital Threats to Democracy’
‘The Way of the Dictator’
Materials will continue to be added. The most recent addition is from March 2019:
‘Comparative Constitutional Law and Theory’ (on democratic backsliding)
Details on each course, and links to download the materials, are provided below.
1 ‘digital threats to democracy’
Designed by Dr Barrie Sander at the Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV) School of International Relations in São Paulo, this highly innovative week-long course (1-6 October 2018) covered issues including foundational concepts, state responsibility, cyber election meddling, responsibility for online content including hate speech and 'fake news', encryption, and future digital threats.
2 ‘the way of the dictator’
Designed by Dr Lee Morgenbesser at Griffith University School of Government and International Relations, Australia, this course covers issues such as the classification of dictatorship, the consolidation and maintenance of dictatorship, foreign policy of dictators, and the exit and aftermath of dictatorship.
Designed by Professor Oran Doyle at Trinity College Dublin School of Law, Ireland, this course covers one of the most pressing phenomena in contemporary constitutionalism: democratic backsliding and its (contested) relationship to populism. Addressing how respect for constitutional rights and the rule of law has lessened, and democratic processes have weakened during the 2010s, the course considers both the phenomenon and responses (implemented or proposed).
send your course materials
If you’re delivering a course relevant to democratic decay, send your Course Materials for upload to democraticdecay@gmail.com.
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