This section provides a preliminary list of academic experts on democratic decay from disciplines other than law, based on the DEM-DEC Bibliography and Bibliography Updates, and Dr Daly’s global network. As this list expands, a specific section may be created for selected disciplines.
Turkey – political science – democratisation in Turkey and Central Asia – Islam and democracy
Turkey – political science – Turkey – conservative democracy – advanced democracy – Turkey-EU relations
Turkey – political science - Turkish politics - democratization and political parties - Israeli Politics - gender
Czech Republic - Central Europe - political science - constitutional law and theory - separation of powers
Italy - democratic governance in the EU
USA – political science – democratic backsliding – regime change – institutional design
Czech Republic/Italy – sociology – post-Communist Europe – democratic crisis – political culture - Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania and Slovakia
Hungary – political science – post-Communist Europe - social and political change – liberalism
Slovenia - populism - liberal democracy - East Central Europe
United Kingdom/Spain - comparative politics - party politics - party system institutionalisation - party regulation
Venezuela/USA - political science - comparative politics - autocratic legalismg
USA – political science – global democratic recession – assessment of democracy – good governance
Czech Republic - Central Europe - constitutional law - separation of powers
USA - politics - international relations, international and comparative constitutional law - international organisations - EU, AU, OAS
Hungary - political science and comparative social sciences - party politics - comparative government - church and state relations - political psychology (especially authoritarianism, prejudices and political tolerance)
Australia – political science - public deliberation in the face of value conflicts and polarised public debates - potential of new forms of political participation and protest movements in reviving democratic practice
UK/Australia - political science - quality of government, regimes, and comparative social indicators - democratic deconsolidation - democratic disconnect
USA – political science - authoritarian politics – authoritarianisation - democratization, conflict, and development
USA - political science and political economy - political decay - identity - liberal democracy
USA/Australia - democratic theory - democracy studies - histories of democracy - futures of democracy - economic democracy/democratic economy - global democracy
Bulgaria/USA - political science - democracy and democratic backsliding - rule of law - constitutionalism
USA - comparative constitutional law (global) - comparative politics - constitutional retrogression concept - USA and worldwide
Slovakia – political science and sociology - electoral studies, political culture and social climate during the transition - public opinion and attitudes - patterns of voting behaviour in Slovakia
USA - comparative constitutional law (global) - comparative politics - constitutional retrogression concept - USA and worldwide
USA - political science - comparative politics - cultural change and voter attirudes - modernization theory
Romania - EU governance and policy- rule of law in the EU - democratisation of Central and Eastern Europe - human rights
Australia/Netherlands - psychology - voter attitudes - socio-economic status
Hungary - Romania - crisis of democracy
USA - political science - rule of law in the EU - courts - national authoritarianism
USA - free speech law - regulating online threats to democracy
Canada – political science – post-Communist Europe – Poland - articulation of identities, collective memories and group imaginaries – political parties
Bulgaria/Austria - comparative politics - Central and Eastern Europe - EU - Europe - illiberalism
USA - political science - comparative politics - Communism and Postcommunism - politics and culture - protest, social movements and civil society
Italy - comparative politics - Western democracies - democratic strength - crisis of democracy
Hungary - political theory - militant democracy - civil disobedience - state of emergency
Israel - international relations - sovereignty, democracy, and the rule of law - political violence - EU external relations and and EU-Israel relations
Greece/Sweden - political science - democratic theory - compulsory voting - militant democracy
Germany - voting - electoral interference
Australia - political science - governance - public policy - voter attitudes
Germany/USA - crisis of liberalism - rise of populism - illiberal democracy - undemocratic liberalism - democratic deconsolidation
Canada/USA - comparative politics - constitutional law - law and courts in authoritarian regimes - "rule by law" concept (Egypt and global)
Germany/USA - political theory - history of modern political thought - militant democracy - Europe - rule of law in the EU
Romania - political science and social psychology - anti-corruption policy and good governance - populism
Norway – political science – international courts – international governance
UK/USA/Australia - comparative political science - public opinion and elections - political institutions and cultures - gender politics - authoritarian resurgence
Hungary - sociology - rule of law - nationalism - Central and Eastern Europe
USA - Democratisation - rule of law in young democracies - constitutional change - courts - impeachment
Estonia - Baltic states - comparative politics - democratization - party systems -ethnopolitics
Poland - rule of law - rule of law standards - democratic transition
Canada - political science - rule of law- judicial reform- political corruption - populist parties - legal repression of political dissent under authoritarianism
Czech Republic - political science and international relations - democracy - democratization - comparative democratization - democracy assistance and human rights
Brazil - anthropology - Brazilian political system - Brazilian political culture
USA - political psychology - polilical cognition - ideology - populism
France - political Science - democratic transition in Eastern Europe and the Balkans - European integration - crisis of liberalism
Venezuela - comparative politics - constitutional law - Venezuela - Latin America - courts
Germany - political science - rule of law in the EU - regional integration - public opinion
Switzerland/USA/Italy - political science - comparative poltics - transition from authoritarian rule in Southern Europe and Latin America - intermediation of class, sectoral and professional interests
Germany/Thailand - political science - international law and international organisations - European Court of Human Rights - anti-democratic political parties - free speech
Germany/UK - international relations - EU public policy - rule of law in the EU
Peru - political science - international organisations - OAS - Inter-American Democratic Charter
Portugal - history - national populism - rule of law in the EU
Germany - political science - comparative policy analysis - EU - rule of law in the EU
USA - political science – comparative constitutional law – constitutional design - future of liberal democracy