This section provides a curated list of long-form academic research on COVID-19’s impact on democracy, and pieces that put the pandemic in context.
Scroll to the bottom for a list of calls for papers for special editions and journal issues.
There is a growing list of long-form published research, including books, journal articles, and academic reports. Some of these are also listed in the Policy section.
There is a growing list of long-form published research, including books, journal articles, and academic reports. Some of these are also listed in the Policy section.
Working Papers
The second category gathers working papers. This category gives you access to the latest research, including working papers, draft articles, and conference papers.
Working Papers
The second category gathers working papers. This category gives you access to the latest research, including working papers, draft articles, and conference papers.
Context Materials
This category gathers academic research that is useful to understanding the impact of COVID-19 on democracy, including analysis of previous pandemics.
Context Materials
This category gathers academic research that is useful to understanding the impact of COVID-19 on democracy, including analysis of previous pandemics.
Hilary COOPER & Simon SZRETER, After the Virus: Lessons from the Past for a Better Future (Cambridge University Press, September 2021)
Fay NIKER and Aveek BHATTACHARVA (eds), Political Philosophy in a Pandemic: Routes to a More Just Future (Bloomsbury, 15 July 2021)
FREE BOOK Graham SMITH, Tim HUGHES, Lizzie ADAMS & Charlotte OBIJAKU, Democracy in a Pandemic: Participation in Response to Crisis (Involve UK, 12 July 2021)
FREE BOOK Stefan KIRCHNER (ed), Governing the Crisis: Law, Human Rights and COVID-19 (Lit verlag, 2021)
Debasish Roy CHOWDHURY & John KEANE, To Kill A Democracy: India's Passage to Despotism (Oxford University Press, 24 June 2021)
Jan NEDERVEEN PIETERSE, Haeran LIM & Habibul KHONDLER Khondker (eds), Covid-19 and Governance (Routledge, 11 June 2021)
Stefan KIRCHNER (ed), Governing the Crisis: Law, Human Rights and COVID-19 (Lit verlag, 2021)
Matteo BONOTTI, Recovering Civility during Covid-19 (Springer Nature, March 2021)
Hussein SOLOMON & Arno TAUSCH, Arab MENA Countries: Vulnerabilities and Constraints Against Democracy on the Eve of the Global COVID-19 Crisis (Springer Singapore, December 2020)
Victor V. RAMRAJ (ed), Covid-19 in Asia: Law and Policy Contexts (Oxford University Press, 19 November 2020)
Miguel POIARES MADURO & Paul W. KAHN (eds), Democracy in Times of Pandemic: Different Futures Imagined (Cambridge University Press, November 2020)
Linda HANTRAIS & Marie-Thérèse LETABLIER, Comparing and Contrasting the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic in the European Union (Taylor & Francis, November 2020)
David SEEDHOUSE, The Case for Democracy in the COVID-19 Pandemic (SAGE Publications, September 2020)
Timothy SNYDER, Our Malady: Lessons in Liberty from a Hospital Diary (Crown, September 2020)
Book Chapters
Martin SCHEININ and Helga MOLBAEK-STEENSIG, ‘Human rights-based versus populist responses to the pandemic’ in Morten Kjauerum, Martha Davis and Amanda Lyons (eds.) COVID-19 and Human Rights (2021)
Nader GANJI, Mohsen MOHEIMANY and Morvarid SALEHI, ‘Covid-19, youth, and the engineered social movements in Iran’ in Ibrahim Natil (ed) Youth Civic Engagement and Local Peacebuilding in the Middle East and North Africa (2021)
Book Matthias C KETTEMANN & Konrad LACHMAYER, Pandemocracy in Europe: Power, Parliaments and People in Times of Covid-19 (Hart Publishing, due for publication 7 October 2021)
Book Chapter Charles FOMBAD, ‘Reversing the surging tide towards authoritarian democracy in Africa’ in Charles M. Fombad & Nico Steytler (eds) Democracy, Elections, and Constitutionalism in Africa (Oxford University Press, 2021) 463-518
Maria GRAZIA PORCEDDA, David FENNELLY & Róisín Á COSTELLO, ‘Data Protection and the COVID-19 Pandemic’. COVID-19 Law and Human Rights Observatory, School of Law, Trinity College Dublin (14 September 2021)
European Journal of Law Reform: Issue 4, 2020 (February 2021)
Special issue on ‘Are Emergency Measures in Response to COVID-19 a Threat to Democracy?’
Franklin De Vrieze and Constantin Stefanou, 'Are Emergency Measures in Response to COVID-19 a Threat to Democracy?'
Joelle GROGAN, 'States of Emergency: Analysing Global Use of Emergency Powers in Response to COVID-19'
David A. THIRLBY, 'Does the Fight Against the Pandemic Risk Centralizing Power in Pakistan?'
Hon Kate DOUST MLC & Sam HASTINGS, 'Legislative Scrutiny in Times of Emergency: A Case Study of Australian Parliaments'
Lianne VAN KALKEN & Evert STAMHUIS, 'Digital Equals Public: Assembly Meetings Under a Lockdown Regime'
Elena GRIGLIO, 'Governments as Covid-19 Lawmakers in France, Italy and Spain: Continuity or Discontinuity'
Maria DIAZ CREGO & Silvia KOTANIDIS, 'Emergency Measures in Response to the Coronavirus Crisis and Parliamentary Oversight in the EU Member States'
Victoria JENNETT, 'Covid-19 Emergency Prison Release Policy: A Public Health Imperative and a Rule of Law Challenge'
Alex READ, 'Increased Uptake of Surveillance Technologies During COVID-19: Implications for Democracies in the Global South'
Sonia PALMIERI & Sarah CHILDS, 'Patience, Ladies: Gender-Sensitive Parliamentary Responses in a Time of Crisis'
Transnational Law Institute TLI Think! Paper 22/2020 (December 2020)
Benedikt REINKE (editor), ‘Introduction’
Günter FRANKENBERG, ‘Authoritarian Constitutionalism – Comparative Notes’
Jiří PŘIBÁŇ, ‘The Promise of Authenticity: On Imaginaries of Constitutional Populism and European Communitas’
William PARTLETT, ‘Crown-Presidentialism’
Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law: Volume 45, Issue 6 (December 2020)
Special Issue — ‘COVID 19: Politics, Inequality, and Pandemic’
Jonathan OBERLANDER, ‘Introduction: COVID-19: Politics, Inequalities, and Pandemic’ (28 May 2020)
Zinzi D. BAILEY & J. Robin MOON, ‘Racism and the Political Economy of COVID-19: Will We Continue to Resurrect the Past?’ (28 May 2020)
Matthew M. KAVANAGH & Renu SINGH, ‘Democracy, Capacity, and Coercion in Pandemic Response—COVID 19 in Comparative Political Perspective’ (28 May 2020)
The Theory and Practice of Legislation: Volume 8, 2020 (24 September 2020)
Special issue on Legislatures in the Time of Covid-19
Editors: Ronan CORMACAIN & Ittai BAR-SIMAN-TOV
Tom GINSBURG, ‘Foreword for special issue on legislatures in the time of Covid-19’
Ronan CORMACAIN & Ittai BAR-SIMAN-TOV, ‘Introduction’
Ronan CORMACAIN & Ittai BAR-SIMAN-TOV, ‘Legislatures in the Time of Covid-19’
Ittai BAR-SIMAN-TOV, ‘Covid-19 meets politics: the novel coronavirus as a novel challenge for legislatures’
Elena GRIGLIO, ‘Parliamentary oversight under the Covid-19 emergency: striving against executive dominance’
Eric L WINDHOLZ, ‘Governing in a pandemic: from parliamentary sovereignty to autocratic technocracy’
Felix UHLMANN & Eva SCHEIFELE, ‘Legislative response to Coronavirus (Switzerland)’
Patricia POPELIER, ‘COVID-19 legislation in Belgium at the crossroads of a political and a health crisis’
Maciej SEROWANIEC & Zbigniew WITKOWSKI, ‘Can legislative standards be subject to ‘quarantine’? The functioning of the Tablet Sejm in Poland in the COVID-19 era’
Tímea DRINÓCZI & Agnieszka BIEŃ-KACAŁA, ‘COVID-19 in Hungary and Poland: extraordinary situation and illiberal constitutionalism’
Victor Marcel PINHEIRO , Marcelo ILARRAZ & Melissa Terni MESTRINER, ‘The impacts of the COVID-19 crisis on the Brazilian legal system – a report on the functioning of the branches of the government and on the legal scrutiny of their activities’
James R. Maxeiner, ‘America’s covid-19 preexisting vulnerability: a government of men, not laws’
Bibliography on Covid-19 and Civic Space (July 2020)
Welmoed BARENDSEN, Adam DARGIEWICZ, Antoine BUYSE and Chris VAN DER BORGH, 'Bibliography on Covid-19 and Civic Space', Civic Space under Attack research project, Utrecht University (July 2020).
This bibliography, issued on 11 July 2020, systematically presents the newest reports of NGOs and international organisations (IOs) and academic literature on the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on civic space - that is the space people have to protest, organise and voice their concerns. This up-to-date resource of July 2020 is a systematised overview with an introduction summarising the key issues involved.
Theory and Practice of Legislation: Latest Articles
Jan PETROV, ‘The COVID-19 emergency in the age of executive aggrandizement: what role for legislative and judicial checks?’ The Theory and Practice of Legislation (28 June 2020)
Felix UHLMANN & Eva SCHEIFELE, ‘Legislative response to Coronavirus (Switzerland)’ The Theory and Practice of Legislation (23 June 2020)
Tímea DRINÓCZI & Agnieszka BIEŃ-KACAŁA, ‘COVID-19 in Hungary and Poland: extraordinary situation and illiberal constitutionalism’ The Theory and Practice of Legislation (23 June 2020)
Klaus MEßERSCHMIDT, ‘COVID-19 legislation in the light of the precautionary principle’ The Theory and Practice of Legislation (19 June 2020)
Maame Efua ADDADZI-KOOM, ‘Quasi-state of emergency: assessing the constitutionality of Ghana’s legislative response to Covid-19’ The Theory and Practice of Legislation (15 June 2020)
Patricia POPELIER, ‘COVID-19 legislation in Belgium at the crossroads of a political and a health crisis’ The Theory and Practice of Legislation (29 May 2020)
Kuwait International Law School Journal: Special Issue on COVID-19 and the law (2020) - forthcoming
Myra WILLIAMSON, ‘A Stress-Test for Democracy: Analysing the New Zealand Government’s Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic from a Constitutional Perspective’ (4 June 2020)
Policy and Society: Special Issue
Jon PIERRE, ‘Nudges against pandemics: Sweden’s COVID-19 containment strategy in perspective’ Policy and Society (19 June 2020)
Andrea Riccardo MIGONE, ‘Trust, but customize: federalism’s impact on the Canadian COVID-19 response’ Policy and Society (19 June 2020)
JJ WOO, ‘Policy capacity and Singapore’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic’ Policy and Society (18 June 2020)
Gabriele COSENTINO, ‘”You can't arrest a virus”: The freedom of expression crisis within Egypt's response to COVID-19’ Journal of African Media Studies (June 2021)
Matthew STENBERG, Philip ROCCO & Safia FAROLE, ‘Calling in ‘Sick’: COVID-19, Opportunism, Pretext, and Subnational Democracy’ SocArXiv Papers (28 June 2021)
Chih-Wei HSIEH et al, ‘A whole-of-nation approach to COVID-19: Taiwan’s National Epidemic Prevention Team’ International Political Science Review Online (published online: 10 June 2021)
Chih-Wei HSIEH & Mao WANG, ‘Taiwan makes itself a COVID-19 safe zone without draconian measures: lessons and caveats’ Social Transformations in Chinese Society Online (published online: 10 June 2021)
Antonios KOUROUTAKIS, ‘Abuse of Power and Self-Entrenchment as a State Response to the COVID-19 Outbreak: The Role of Parliaments, Courts and the People’ (posted on SSRN: 8 June 2021)
Curtis HARRIS, ‘The Conflict of Public Health Law and Civil Liberties: The Role of Research Data and First Amendment Law’ American Journal of Medicine (4 June 2021)
Cletus Famous NWANKWO, ‘COVID-19 pandemic and political participation in Lagos, Nigeria’ SN Social Sciences (published online: 3 June 2021)
Jacques ZILLER, ‘Law of Exception, a Comparative Law Perspective - France: Emergency Laws to Deal with the COVID-19 Epidemic’. EPRS: European Parliamentary Research Service Comparative Law Library Unit PE 690.624–May 2021 (posted on SSRN: 31 May 2021)
Chibuzor Chile NWOBUEZE and Ikemefule ADIELE, ‘National Human Rights Commission, Citizenship Education and the Prospects of Citizens’ Rights Protection for Peace and Stability in Nigeria’ (2021) 9(5) British Journal of Education 62 (posted on SSRN: 30 May 2021)
Abdil MUGHIS MUDHOFFIR & Vedia HADIZ, ‘Social Resilience Against COVID-19 Masks Indonesian Class Divide’ (2021) 22(1) Georgetown Journal of International Affairs (Spring 2021)
Sebastian HELLMEIER et al, ‘State of the world 2020: autocratization turns viral’ Democratization (24 May 2021)
Muzakir HAITAMI, ‘The Dilemma of Good Governance Implementation in Indonesia during the Pandemic of Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19)’ (2021) 1(1) Journal of Advance in Social Sciences and Policy (18 May 2021)
Sujay GHOSH, ‘India and the pandemic: democratic governance at crossroads’ International Journal of Asian Studies (published online: 17 May 2021)
Shalu NIGAM, ‘A year of pandemic, deadlock, disaster and dissent’ SSRN (25 March 2021)
Laurent TOURNOIS, ‘”Pandemopolitics” in Serbia: The resurgence of nationalism?’ Political Geography (published online: 24 March 2021)
Khusnul PRASETYO & Arif LUKMAN, ‘Civil Society Participation in Efforts to Prevent the Spread COVID-19’ 11(1) Jurnal Administrasi Publik: Public Administration Journal (23 March 2021)
Yuval SHANY, ‘The COVID-19 Pandemic Crisis and International Law: A Constitutional Moment, A Tipping Point or More of the Same?’ SSRN (21 March 2021)
M JAE MOON et al, ‘A comparative study of COVID-19 responses in South Korea and Japan: political nexus triad and policy responses’ (2021) International Review of Administrative Sciences (18 March 2021)
Wilson WONG, ‘When the state fails, bureaucrats and civil society step up: analysing policy capacity with political nexus triads in the policy responses of Hong Kong to COVID-19’ Journal of Asian Public Policy (Online) (15 March 2021)
Yexin MAO, ‘Political institutions, state capacity, and crisis management: A comparison of China and South Korea’ (2021) International Political Science Review (12 March 2021)
Xiang GAO, ‘Staying in the Nationalist Bubble: Social capital, culture wars, and the COVID-19 Pandemic’ 24(1) Media/Culture Journal (13 March 2021)
Khabele MATIOSA, ‘Pouring Salt into the Wound: The Crisis of International Election Observation and COVID-19 in Africa’ Journal of Asian and African Studies (10 March 2021)
Thomas YEON, ‘Comparative Reflections on COVID-19 Responses: Drafting, Powers, and Interpretation’ Oxford Academic (9 March 2021)
OXFORD ANALYTICA, ‘COVID will worsen democratic deficit in South America’ Emerald Insight (8 March 2021)
Jeni MINAN, ‘Democracy Mirror: Voter Participation Increasing or Decreasing? The case of the 2020 Pandeglang Regional Election in the Middle of Covid 19’ (2021) 4(1) Administrative Law and Governance Journal (8 March 2021)
Radosveta VASSILEVA, ‘COVID-19 in Autocratic Bulgaria: How the Anti-Corruption Protests Temporarily Limited the Abuse of Questionable Legislation’ SSRN (5 March 2021)
Chuncheng LIU, ‘Chinese Public’s Support for COVID-19 Surveillance in Relation to the West’ (2021) 19 Surveillance & Society 89 (5 March 2021)
Supriya GARIKIPATI & Uma KAMBHAMPATI, ‘Leading the Fight Against the Pandemic: Does Gender Really Matter?’ Feminist Economics (Published online: 1 March 2021)
Marco RIZZI and Tamara TULICH, ‘The Australian Response to COVID-19: A Year in Review’ UWA Law School (22 February 2021)
Sebastian JUHL et al, ‘Preferences for Centralized Decision-Making in Times of Crisis: The COVID-19 Pandemic in Germany’ article under journal review (17 February 2021)
Michele DI BARI, ‘Let Judges Speak for Themselves: Can Comparative Constitutional Case Law Help Conceptualize Universal Standards in the Fight against COVID-19?’ SSRN (16 February 2021)
Chunyan DING & Fen LIN, ‘Information Authoritarianism vs. Information Anarchy: A Comparison of Information Ecosystems in Mainland China and Hong Kong during the Early Stage of the COVID-19 Pandemic’ (2021) 21 China Review 91 (February 2021)
Raphaël GIRARD, ‘Accountability, Populism and Expertise: The United Kingdom Government's Response to Covid-19’ University of Exeter (2021)
Katherine OGNYANOVA et al, ‘The COVID States Project #29: Election fairness and trust in institutions’ COVID-19 Consortium Report (10 February 2021)
Edilu DIKALE, ‘Insights on Ethiopia’s state of emergency against COVID-19: A Descriptive overview’ forthvcoming, Annals of Bioethics & Clinical Applications 2021 (published on SSRN: 8 February 2021)
Edward CLARKE, Anna KLAS, Emily DYOS, ‘The role of ideological attitudes in responses to COVID-19 threat and government restrictions in Australia’ (2021) 175 Personality and Individual Differences 110734 (6 February 2021)
Matthew Parker RAINSFORD and John-James BLANCHETTE, ‘Elections and leadership: The impact of Coronavirus on the Democratic Process’ (2021) 4(1) UJPPS: Politics in the Pandemic (6 February 2021)
Luca BELLI and Nicolo ZINGALES, ‘Data protection and social emergency in Latin America: COVID-19, a stress test for democracy, innovation, and regulation’ International Data Privacy Law (5 February 2021)
Julio C. TEEHANKEE, ‘The Philippines in 2020: COVID-19 Pandemic Threatens Duterte’s Populist Legacy’ (2021) 61(1) Asian Survey (1 February 2021)
Nicola M. PLESS & Franz WOHLGEZOGEN, ‘The Fault Lines of Leadership: Lessons from the Global Covid-19 Crisis’ (2021) 21(1) Journal of Change Management 66 (14 January 2021)
Jessika EICHLER & Sumit SONKAR, ‘Challenging absolute executive powers in times of corona: re-examining constitutional courts and the collective right to public contestation as instruments of institutional control’ Review of Economics and Political Science (13 January 2021)
Irena NESTEROVA, ‘The Global Flood of COVID-19 Contact Tracing Apps: Sailing with Human Rights and Data Protection Standards against the Wind of Mass Surveillance’ (2021) 92 SHS Web Conferences (SSRN: 13 January 2021)
Todd HARTMAN et al, ‘The Authoritarian Dynamic During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Effects on Nationalism and Anti-Immigrant Sentiment’ Social Psychological and Personality Science (11 January 2021)
COVID-DEM EXCLUSIVE Seána GLENNON, ‘The Anti-Mask Movement and the Rise of the Right in Ireland: What does it Mean for our Democracy?’ (7 January 2021)
Zachary STEINERT-THRELKELD et al, 'Crisis Is a Gateway to Censored Information: The Case of Coronavirus in China' SSRN 21st Century China Center Research Paper (forthcoming) No ID 3756577, 2021) (7 January 2021)
Mehmet Hyseyin BILGIN et al, ‘Democracy and COVID-19 outcomes’ SSRN (January 2021)
Juan DEMPERE, ‘A recipe to control the first wave of COVID-19: More or less democracy?’ Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy (4 January 2021)
Syedar ZAINAB AKBAR, Anmol PANDA, Divyanshu KUKRETI, et al, ‘Misinformation as a Window into Prejudice: COVID-19 and the Information Environment in India’ (2021) 4 No. 249 Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction (January 2021)
Kelly SENTERS PIAZZA & Gustavo DIAZ, ‘Light in the midst of chaos: COVID-19 and female political representation’ World Development Volume 136 (December 2020)
Serdan SAN, Mehmet FATIH BASTUG and Harun BASLI, ‘Crisis management in authoritarian regimes: A comparative study of COVID-19 responses in Turkey and Iran’ Global Public Health (30 December 2020)
Patrick TANDOH-OFFIN and Wisdom Kofi ADZAKOR, ‘Covid-19 Exposes The Limits of Political Populism And Parochial Nationalism‘ (2020) 3(1) Africa Journal of Public Sector Development & Governance 158 (18 December 2020)
Lenka BUŠTÍKOVÁ & Pavol BABOŠ, ‘Best in Covid: Populists in the Time of Pandemic’ Politics and Governance (17 December 2020)
Jen SCHRADIE, ‘“Give me Liberty or Give me Covid-19”: Anti-lockdown protesters were never Trump puppets’ Communications and the Public (8 December 2020)
Nad’a KOVALČÍKOVÁ & Ariane TABATABAI, ‘Lessons earned and lessons learned: What should be done next to counter the COVID-19 infodemic?’ European View (6 December 2020)
Pippa NORRIS, ‘Electoral Integrity in the 2020 U.S. Elections’ Electoral Integrity Project (1 December 2020)
Barry EICHENGREEN, Cevat GIRAY AKSOY & Orkun SAKA, ‘Revenge of the experts: Will COVID-19 renew or diminish public trust in science?’ Journal of Public Economics Vol. 193, January 2021, 104343 (21 November 2020)
Dominik PIETZCKER, ‘A Decisive Moment of Truth: The COVID-19 Crisis Unveils the Weaknesses of Western Societies and the E. U.’ (2020) 3(1) Belt & Road Initiative Quarterly (Summer - September 2020)
James R. MAXEINER, ‘America’s covid-19 preexisting vulnerability: a government of men, not laws’ (2020) 8(1) The Theory and Practice of Legislation 213 (16 September 2020)
Pnina Sharvit BARUCH & Nadiv MORDECHAY, ‘The Covid-19 Pandemic and Democratic Reslience in Israel’ (2020) Institute for National Security Studies: Special Publication 1 (2 September 2020)
Etienne TOUSSAINT, 'Of American Fragility: Public Rituals, Human Rights, and the End of Invisible Man' SSSRN [2021] Columbia Human Rights Law Review (forthcoming) (30 August 2020)
Dan DEGERMAN, Matthew FLINDERS & Matthew Thomas JOHNSON, ‘In defence of fear: COVID-19, crises and democracy’ (6 October 2020. Forthcoming, Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy)
Ciarán BURKE, ‘Abusus Non Tollit Usum? Korea’s Legal Response to Coronavirus and the Shincheonji Church of Jesus’ The Journal of CESNUR (September 2020)
Stephen THOMSON and Eric IP, ‘COVID-19 emergency measures and the impending authoritarian pandemic’ Journal of Law and the Biosciences (29 September 2020)
Tiffany C. LI, ‘Privacy in Pandemic: Law, Technology, and Public Health in the COVID-19 Crisis Loyola University Chicago Law Journal, Volume 52, Issue 3 (Mar. 2021 Forthcoming) (18 September 2020)
Kanstantsin DZEHTSIAROU, ‘Article 15 Derogations: Are They Really Necessary During the COVID-19 Pandemic?’ [2020] (4) European Human Rights Law Review 359-371 (16 September 2020) * No link available
Toby S. JAMES & Sead ALIHODZIC, ‘When Is It Democratic to Postpone an Election? Elections During Natural Disasters, Covid-19, and Emergency Situations’ Election Law Journal, Volume 19, Number 3, 2020 (7 September 2020)
Kat DEVLIN & Aidan CONNAUGHTON, ‘Most Approve of National Response to COVID-19 in 14 Advanced Economies’ Pew Research Center (27 August 2020)
Joshua KURLANTZICK, ‘The Pandemic and Southeast Asia’s Democratic Struggles’ Current History (2020) 119 (818): 228–233 (20 August 2020)
Ashleigh BARNES & Emilie McDONNELL, ‘An Overview of Emerging International Human Rights Law Guidance: Promoting Human Rights Compatibility of Government COVID-19 Responses’ Bonavero Report No. 5/2020 (17 August 2020)
Sonia MAZEY & Jeremy RICHARDSON, ‘Lesson‐Drawing from New Zealand and Covid‐19: The Need for Anticipatory Policy Making’ Political Quarterly (12 August 2020)
Jen GASKELL, Gerry STOKER, Will JENNINGS & Daniel DEVINE, ‘Covid‐19 and the Blunders of our Governments: Long‐run System Failings Aggravated by Political Choices’ Political Quarterly (11 August 2020)
Alec TYSON, ‘Republicans remain far less likely than Democrats to view COVID-19 as a major threat to public health’ Pew Research Centre (22 July 2020)
Ittai BAR-SIMAN-TOV, ‘COVID-19 Meets Politics: The Novel Coronavirus as a Novel Challenge for Legislatures’ Bar Ilan University Faculty of Law Research Paper No. 20-08 (last revised: 21 July 2020)
Mark EVANS, Viktor VALGARÐSSON, Will JENNINGS & Gerry STOKER, Political trust and democracy in times of coronavirus: is Australia still the lucky country? (Democracy2025, 20 July 2020)
Mudit KAPOOR et al, ‘Authoritarian Governments Appear to Manipulate COVID Data’ Cornell University (19 July 2020)
Recommended Read David POZEN & Kim Lane SCHEPPELE, ‘Executive Underreach, in Pandemics and Otherwise’ American Journal of International Law, forthcoming (posted on SRRN 15 July 2020)
Colleen FLOOD, Bryan THOMAS & Kumanan WILSON, ‘Civil Liberties vs. Public Health’ in Colleen Flood et al (eds), Vulnerable: The Law, Policy and Ethics of COVID-19 (University of Ottawa Press, 2020) 249 (14 July 2020)
Eric RICHARDSON & Colleen DEVINE, ‘Emergencies End Eventually: How to Better Analyze Human Rights Restrictions Sparked by the COVID-19 Pandemic Under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights’ (2020) 42 Michigan Journal of International Law (forthcoming) (7 July 2020)
Jose Antonio CHEIBUB, Ji Yeon Jean HONG & Adam PRZEWORSKI, ‘Rights and Deaths: Government Reactions to the Pandemic’ (SSRN: 7 July 2020)
Recommended Read Israel WAISMEL-MANOR, Ittai BAR-SIMAN-TOV, Olivier ROSENBERG, Asaf LEVANON, Cyril BENOÎT & Gal IFERGANE, ‘Covid-19 and Legislative Activity: A Cross-National Study (2020)’ (3 July 2020)
Herlambang Perdana WIRATRAMAN, ‘Does Indonesian COVID-19 Emergency Law Secure Rule of Law and Human Rights?’ (2020) 4(1) Journal of Southeast Asian Human Rights 306–334 (30 June 2020)
Amy MITCHELL, Mark JURKOWITZ, J. Baxter OLIPHANT & Elisa SHEARER, ‘Three Months In, Many Americans See Exaggeration, Conspiracy Theories and Partisanship in COVID-19 News’ Pew Research Center (29 June 2020)
Joshua CLINTON, Jon COHEN, John S. LAPINSKI & Marc TRUSSLER, ‘Partisan Pandemic: How Partisanship and Public Health Concerns Affect Individuals’ Social Distancing During COVID-19’ (29 June 2020)
Elliott ASH, Sergio GALLETTA, Dominik HANGARTNER, Yotam MARGALIT & Matteo PINNA, ‘The Effect of Fox News on Health Behavior During COVID-19’ (28 June 2020)
Toni M. MASSARO, Justin R. PIDOT & Marvin SLEPIAN, ‘Constitutional Norms for Pandemic Policy’ Arizona Legal Studies Discussion Paper No. 20-29 (25 June 2020)
Luke COOPER & Guy AITCHISON, ‘The dangers ahead: Covid-19, authoritarianism and democracy’ Conflict and Civil Society Research Unit, LSE (June 2020)
Matthew FLINDERS, ‘Democracy and the Politics of Coronavirus: Trust, Blame and Understanding’ Parliamentary Affairs (23 June 2020)
Habeeb ASUDEMADE, ‘Liberty and Pandemics: A Libertarian Approach to the Global COVID-19 Situation’ SSRN Scholarly Paper (18 June 2020)
Marion OSWALD & Jamie GRACE, ‘The COVID-19 Contact Tracing App in England and “Experimental Proportionality”’ SSRN Scholarly Paper (18 June 2020)
Thoedora CHRISTOU, Maria Pia SACCO & Anurag BANA, ‘Digital Contact Tracing for the COVID-19 Epidemic: A Business and Human Rights Perspective’ SSRN Scholarly Paper (4 June 2020)
Rob KITCHIN, ‘Civil Liberties or Public Health, or Civil Liberties and Public Health? Using Surveillance Technologies to Tackle the Spread of COVID-19’ (2020) Space and Polity 1–20 (3 June 2020)
Glenn I COHEN, Lawrence O GOSTIN & Greg WEITZNER, ‘Digital Smartphone Tracking for COVID-19: Public Health and Civil Liberties in Tension’ (2020) 323(23) Journal of the American Medical Association 2371-2372 (27 May 2020)
Jelena TIMOTIJEVIC, ‘Society’s “New Normal”? The Role of Discourse in Surveillance and Silencing of Dissent During and Post Covid-19’ (SSRN: 27 May 2020)
Alfredo SAAD-FILHO & Alison J. AYERS, ‘A Ticking Time Bomb: The Global South in the Time of Coronavirus’ Journal of Australian Political Economy (JAPE) (May 2020)
Conrad NYAMUTATA, ‘Do Civil Liberties Really Matter During Pandemics?: Approaches to Coronavirus Disease (Covid-19)’ (2020) 9(1) International Human Rights Law Review 62–98 (24 May 2020)
Robert KRIMMER, David DUENAS-CID & Iuliia KRIVONOSOVA, ‘Debate: safeguarding democracy during pandemics. Social distancing, postal, or internet voting—the good, the bad or the ugly?’ Public Money & Management (22 May 2020)
Jo SHAW, ‘The pandemic and the people: a short essay’ Medium (20 May 2020)
Carl BENEDIKT FREY, Chinchih CHEN & Giorgio PRESIDENTE, ‘Democracy, Culture, and Contagion: Political Regimes and Countries’ Responsiveness to Covid-19.” (2020) 18 Covid Economics 222 (13 May 2020)
Romaine MILLER & Rachel TSANG, ‘The Judiciary, Police Detention, and COVID-19: A Brief Review of Abridged Rights and Freedom in National Crises’ SSRN Scholarly Paper (6 May 2020)
Manoj BHUSAL, ‘The World After COVID-19: An Opportunity For a New Beginning ’ International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications (May 2020)
François HEISBOURG, ‘'From Wuhan to the World: How the Pandemic Will Reshape Geopolitics’ Survival: Global Politics and Strategy (14 May 2020)
K.D. EWING, ‘Covid-19: Government by Decree’ King’s Law Journal (13 May 2020)
Steven CHAPLIN, ‘Protecting parliamentary democracy in “plague” times: Accountability and democratic institutions during the pandemic’ Commonwealth Law Bulletin (13 May 2020)
Simon JACKMAN, Shaun RATCLIFF, Andrea CARSON & Leah RUPPANNER, ‘Fear, loathing and COVID-19: America and Australia compared’ United States Study Centre (10 May 2020)
BONAVERO INSTITUTE OF HUMAN RIGHTS, ‘A Preliminary Human Rights Assessment of Legislative and Regulatory Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic across 11 Jurisdictions’ Bonavero Report No. 3/2020 (6 May 2020)
Vigilenza ABAZI. ‘Truth Distancing? Whistleblowing as Remedy to Censorship during COVID-19’ European Journal of Risk Regulation (6 May 2020)
Alan GREENE, ‘Derogating from the European Convention on Human Rights in Response to the Coronavirus Pandemic: If Not Now, When?’ [2020] 3 European Human Rights Law Review 262-276 (5 May 2020)
Adam S CHILTON et al, ‘Support for Restricting Liberty for Safety: Evidence During the COVID-19 Pandemic from the United States, Japan, and Israel’ SSRN Scholarly Paper (2 May 2020)
Todd LANDMAN & Luca DI GENNARO SPLENDORE, ‘Pandemic democracy: elections and COVID-19’ Journal of Risk Research (1 May 2020)
Graham GREENLEAF & Katharine KEMP, ‘Australia’s ‘COVIDSafe App’: An Experiment in Surveillance, Trust and Law’ (2020) University of New South Wales Law Research Series (30 April 2020)
Jonathan PUGH, ‘The United Kingdom’s Coronavirus Act, Deprivations of Liberty, and The Right to Liberty and Security of the Person’ Journal of Law and the Biosciences (29 April 2020)
Joshua MALIDZO NYAWA, ‘Human Rights and Covid-19 (Corona Virus) in Kenya: Is the Law Silent?’ SSRN Scholarly Paper (28 April 2020)
Florian BIEBER, ‘Global Nationalism in Times of the COVID-19 Pandemic’ Nationalities Papers (27 April 2020)
Kyle B. T. LAMBELET, ‘Viral sovereignty’ Political Theology (22 April 2020)
Feisal G. MOHAMED, ‘Is This Tyranny? Notes from the election's sidelines’ The Yale Review (20 April 2020)
Damien BOL & Marco GIANI, ‘The Effect of COVID-19 Lockdowns on Political Support: Some Good News for Democracy?’ SocArXiv (19 April 2020)
Francisco ORTEGA & Michael ORSINI, ‘Governing COVID in Brazil: Dissecting the ableist and reluctant authoritarian’ Somatosphere (17 April 2020)
Xu ZHANGRUN, ‘Viral Alarm: When Fury Overcomes Fear Xu Zhangrun’ Journal of Democracy (April 2020)
Ashish KHOTARI, ‘Corona can’t save the planet, but we can, if we learn from ordinary people’ Interface (17 April 2020)
Merris AMOS, ‘Human Rights Law and the COVID-19 Pandemic in the United Kingdom Part 2’ SSRN Scholarly Paper (16 April 2020)
Merris AMOS, ‘Human Rights Law and the COVID-19 Pandemic in the United Kingdom Part 1’ SSRN Scholarly Paper (15 April 2020)
John KEANE, ‘Democracy and the Great Pestilence’ IWM Corona Focus (10 April 2020)
Ittai BAR-SIMAN-TOV, ‘Parliamentary Activity and Legislative Oversight during the Coronavirus Pandemic -A Comparative Overview’ (9 April 2020)
Note: Following this short and quick preliminary report, the author and co-authors are now undertaking a more comprehensive and rigorous comparative study of legislative activity during the coronavirus pandemic. This study will include a survey of experts from various countries about the current operation of the legislature in their country.
Yuen Yuen ANG, ‘When COVID-19 meets centralized, personalized power’ Nature Human Behaviour (9 April 2020)
Alessandra SPADARO, ‘COVID-19: Testing the Limits of Human Rights’ European Journal of Risk Regulation (2020) 11(2) Special Issue - ‘Taming COVID-19 by Regulation’ 317-325 (7 April 2020)
Sergio CARRERA & Ngo CHUN LUK, ‘Love thy neighbour? Coronavirus politics and their impact on EU freedoms and rule of law in the Schengen Area’ CEPS Paper in Liberty and Security in Europe, No. 2020-04, April 2020
Alexandros KOUTSOUKIS, ‘Democracy in Virulent Times: Symbols and the Future of National Populism’ E-International Relations (31 March 2020)
Dan DEGERMAN, ‘Introduction: Negative emotions in dark times’ Global Discourses (forthcoming, 2020)
Alicia ELY YAMIN & Roojin HABIBI, ‘Human Rights and Coronavirus: What’s at Stake for Truth, Trust, and Democracy?’ (1 March 2020)
Lawrence GOSTIN & James HODGE, ‘US Emergency Legal Responses to Novel Coronavirus: Balancing Public Health and Civil Liberties’ (2020) 323(12) Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) 1131-1132 (13 February 2020)
Working papers
Kelly M. McMANN & Daniel TISCH, ‘Democratic Regimes and Epidemic Deaths’ University of Gothenburg, V-dem Institute Working Paper No. 126. (August 2021)
Jana BACEVIC & Linsey McGOEY, ‘Surfing ignorance: Covid-19 and the rise of fatalistic liberalism’ SocArXiv (9 July 2021)
Mohammad Reza FARZANEGAN and Hans Phillip HOFMANN, ‘A matter of trust? Political trust and the Covid-19 pandemic’. CESifo Working Paper No. 9121 (posted on SSRN: 11 June 2021)
Michael BAYERLEIN, Vanessa A. BOESE, Scott GATES, Katrin KAMIN & Syed Mansoob MURSHED, ‘Populism and COVID-19: How Populist Governments (Mis)Handle the Pandemic’ Working Paper 121 (May 2021)
Stithorn THANANITHICHOT & Kwankaow KONGDECHA, ‘Pandemic backsliding? A comparative study of democracy under the virus threat’ Democracy x Innovations Working Paper Series, No. 2 (Published on SSRN: 20 May 2021)
William BOWEN, ‘Progressives, the COVID Pandemic, and the Laboratories of Democracy: Is the Left Saying “Goodbye” to Cooperative Federalism?’ Conference paper, Culture & Crisis Conference (5-6 March 2021)
Subir SINHA, ‘”Strong Leaders”, Authoritarian Populism and Indian Developmentalism: the Modi Moment in Historical Context’ University of London, Department of Development Studies (Forthcoming, February 2021)
Martin SCHEININ and Helga MOLBAEK-STEENSIG, ‘Pandemics and human rights: three perspectives on human rights assessment of strategies against COVID-19’ Working Paper, EUI LAW, 2021/01 (January 2021)
Guilhem CASSAN & Milan VAN STEENVOORT, ‘Political regime and COVID 19 death rate: efficient, biasing or simply different autocracies?’ (26 January 2021)
Nicolas Berman et al, ‘Shutdown policies and conflict worldwide’ AMSE Working Papers 2109 (26 January 2021)
RASYIDIN & Fidhia ARUNI, ‘The Urgency for the Implementation of Simultaneous Regional Elections During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia in 2020’ Atlantis Press - Proceedings of the International Conference on Social Science, Political Science, and Humanities (ICoSPOLHUM 2020) (26 January 2021)
Seraphine F. MAERZ, Anna Lührmann, Jean Lachapelle & Amanda B. EDGELL, ‘Worth the Sacrifice? Illiberal and Authoritarian Practices during Covid-19’. V-Dem Institute Working Paper 110 (30 September 2020).
Kerim Can KAVAKLI, ‘Did Populist Leaders Respond to the COVID-19 Pandemic More Slowly? Evidence from a Global Sample’. University of Bocconi Covid Crisis Lab Working paper (3 July 2020).
Supriya GARIKIPATI & Uma KAMBHAMPATI, 'Leading the Fight Against the Pandemic: Does Gender ‘Really’ Matter?' (June 2020)
Hitomi NAKANISHI & Yasuko HASSALL KOBAYASHI, ‘Society Matters in Surviving COVID-19’ (25 June 2020)
Philipp TREIN, ‘Authoritarian Rule and Liberal Democracy in Times of Crisis’ (15 June 2020)
Giry GOZGOR, ‘Global Evidence on the Determinants of Public Trust in Governments during the COVID-19’ Munich Society for the Promotion of Economic Research - CESifo Working Papers (May 2020)
Lisa M. AUSTIN, Vincent CHIAO, Beth COLEMAN, David LIE, Martha SHAFFER, Andrea SLANE & François TANGUAY-RENAUD, ‘Test, Trace, and Isolate: COVID-19 and the Canadian Constitution’ (26 May 2020)
Badar Nadeem ASHRAF, ‘Devastation Caused by COVID-19: Is Democracy to Blame?’ (8 May 2020)
Dragan ALCHINOV, ‘The Case of the Republic of North Macedonia: A State of Emergency without Parliamentary Control’ (2 May 2020)
Gabriel CEPALUNI, Michael DORSCH & Reka BRANYICZKI, ‘Political Regimes and Deaths in the Early Stages of the COVID-19 Pandemic’ (29 April 2020)
COVID-DEM EXCLUSIVE Evangelos VENIZELOS, ‘Pandemic, Fundamental Rights and Democracy - The Greek Example’ (28 April 2020)
Guy GROSSMAN, Soojong KIM, Jonah REXER & Harsha THIRUMURTHY, Political ‘Partisanship Influences Behavioral Responses to Governors’ Recommendations for COVID-19 Prevention in the United States’ (23 Apr 2020)
Poonam PANDEY & Mario PANSERA, ‘Learning Beyond Boundaries: Policy-Making in the Time of a Pandemic’ (21 April 2020)
Kelsie NABBEN, ‘Trustless Approaches to Digital Infrastructure in the Crisis of COVID-19 Australia's Newest COVID App. Home-Grown Surveillance Technologies and What to Do About it’ (21 April 2020)
Daniel GOLDSTEIN & Johannes WIEDEMANN, ‘Who Do You Trust? The Consequences of Partisanship and Trust in Government for Public Responsiveness to COVID-19’ (21 April 2020)
Leonardo BACCINI & Abel BRODEUR, ‘Explaining Governors' Response to the Covid-19 Pandemic in the United States’ (20 April 2020)
COVID-DEM EXCLUSIVE Philippe SCHMITTER, ‘Food for Thought about the Impact of the COVID-19 Virus Upon the Institutions and Practices of ‘Real-Existing’ Democracy’ (17 April 2020)
Olga SHVETSOVA et al., Policy Error and Policy Rescue in COVID-19 Responses in the United States and United Kingdom (15 April 2020)
Matthew FLINDERS, ‘Democracy and the Politics of Coronavirus: Trust, Blame and Understanding’ (14 April 2020)
Arndt LEININGER & Max SCHAUB, ‘Voting at the Dawn of a Global Pandemic’ SocArXiv (12 April 2020)
Pranoto ISKANDAR, ‘The Pandemic Case for Supra-National Governance: A Redux’ (10 April 2020)
Busingye KABUMBA, ‘The 1995 Constitution and Covid-19’ (7 April) - Kenya
Joshua NYAWA, ‘Human Rights and the Covid-19 (Coronavirus): Is the Law Silent?’ (April) - Kenya
Francesc AMAT, Andreu ARENAS, Albert FALCÓ-GIMENO & Jordi MUÑOZ, ‘Pandemics meet democracy: Experimental evidence from the COVID-19 crisis in Spain’ SocArXiv (5 April 2020)
Duncan GREEN, ‘Covid-19 as a Critical Juncture’ (31 March 2020). Draft for comment: all suggestions to
Ahmet Erdi OZTURK, ‘The Potential Effects of Covid-19 on Global Political Regimes’ (30 March 2020)
Shana KUSHNER GADARIAN, Sara WALLACE GOODMAN & Thomas B. PEPINSKY, ‘Partisanship, Health Behavior, and Policy Attitudes in the Early Stages of the COVID-19 Pandemic’ (30 March 2020)
Context Materials
Thesis Eleven: Living and Thinking Crisis
15 July 2020: The pandemic which has swept across the world is at once a crisis of public health and of human relationships. It cannot be considered apart from reaction to it by states and other actors. Both the virus and the response are of a scale and speed not matched in living memory. Across the world, this has upended everyday life and is testing the limits of human organization; socially, economically and politically. New possibilities and challenges, new portals and politics lie before us.
This Thesis Eleven online project engages with the pandemic in the real-time of its making, set against deeper reflection, looking forward, with critical theories, and back, with historical sociologies. The voices we bring to this project are global and diverse; a kaleidoscopic vantage to an historical crossroad.
Collective Bibliography
Collective bibliography on Pandemics in History
An initiative of the Economic History Society, this bibliography includes references from academic papers, books, and journals, as well as a section on primary resources in collaboration with Archives Portal Europe. Everyone is welcome to join & contribute. The section ‘Pandemics & Public Institutions’ in particular needs your input.
Short pieces
Clive HAMILTON, ‘What would it take for antivaxxers and climate science deniers to ‘wake up’?’' The Guardian (13 September 2021)
Ed YONG, ‘How the Pandemic Now Ends’ The Atlantic (12 August 2021)
Martin WOLF, ‘Ten ways coronavirus crisis will shape world in long term’ Financial Times (3 November 2020)
Jean-Paul GAGNON, Rikki J. DEAN, Afsoun AFSAHI, Emily BEAUSOLEIL & Selen A. ERCAN, ‘Five Lessons for Democracy From the Covid-19 Pandemic: An international evaluation of democracy in crises’ Public Seminar (29 October 2020)
Josef BOUSKA, ‘How Europe and America blew it on the pandemic: A tale of blindness and arrogance’ Salon (22 October 2020)
Simon HIX, ‘Shaping the post-COVID world’ LSE COVID-19 Blog (8 September 2020)
Patrick COCKBURN, ‘A Matter of Life and Death: What war and the pandemic have in common’ Verso Blog (14 August 2020)
Lucien CARRIER, ‘The Problems with Institutional Reform in Fragmented Political Landscapes’ UKCLA Blog (27 May 2020)
Thomas POOLE, ‘Leviathan in Lockdown’ London Review of Books (1 May 2020)
John McGUIRE, ‘Disease and democracy: How the plague of Athens influenced ancient democracy, and the pandemic can influence ours’ UCD Centre for Ethics in Public Life (May 2020)
Jane CIABBATARI, ‘The plague writers who predicted today’ BBC Culture (14 April 2020)
Penguin Perspectives Series
A.C. GRAYLING, ‘Enlightenment for a time of benightedness’ Penguin Perspectives (23 April 2020)
Malorie BLACKMAN, ‘A New Normal’ Penguin Perspectives (20 April 2020)
Phillip PULLMAN, 'It's all got to change' Penguin Perspectives (20 April 2020)
Media Long Reads
Adam TOOZE, ‘Has Covid ended the neoliberal era?’' (2 September 2021)
Jonathan FREEDLAND, ‘The magnifying glass: how Covid revealed the truth about our world’ The Guardian (12 December 2020)
Nathan GARDELS, ‘Jared Diamond: Why Nations Fail Or Succeed When Facing A Crisis’ Noema (28 July 2020)
Lawrence WRIGHT, ‘How Pandemics Wreak Havoc - And Open Minds’ New Yorker (13 July 2020)
Hari KUNZRU, ‘Democracy’s Red Line’ New York Review of Books (2 July 2020 Issue) * Review of Masha GESSEN, Surviving Autocracy (Riverhead, 2020)
Francis FUKUYAMA, ‘The Pandemic and Political Order’ Foreign Affairs (July/August 2020 edition)
Rutger BREGMAN, ‘The neoliberal era is ending. What comes next?’ The Correspondent (14 May 2020)
Jan ZIELONKA &Jacques RUPNIK, ‘From Revolution to ‘Counter-Revolution’: Democracy in Central and Eastern Europe 30 Years On’ Europe-Asia Studies (27 July 2020)
Catharine ARNOLD, Pandemic 1918: Eyewitness Accounts from the Greatest Medical Holocaust in Modern History (St. Martin's Publishing Group, 2018)
Alfred W. CROSBY, America's Forgotten Pandemic: The Influenza of 1918 (Cambridge University Press, 2003)
Jared M. DIAMOND, Upheaval: Turning Points for Nations in Crisis (Hachette, 7 May 2020)
Jared M. DIAMOND, Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies (W.W. Norton, 1999)
Monica Helen GREEN (ed), Pandemic Disease in the Medieval World: Rethinking the Black Death (Arc Mediaeval Press, 2015)
Mark HONIGSBAUM, Living with Enza: The Forgotten Story of Britain and the Great Flu Pandemic of 1918 (Springer, 2016)
Russell MUIRHEAD & Nancy L. ROSENBLUM, A Lot of People Are Saying: The New Conspiracism and the Assault on Democracy (Princeton University Press, 18 February 2020)
Jonathan QUICK, The End of Epidemics: How to stop viruses and save humanity now (Scribe Publications, 2018)
Jeremy RAYNER, Susan FALLS, George SOUVLIS & Taylor NELMS (eds), Back to the ‘30s? Recurring Crises of Capitalism, Liberalism, and Democracy (Palgrave MacMillan, 2020)
Corey ROBIN, Fear: The History of a Political Idea (Oxford University Press, 2004)
David RUNCIMAN, The Confidence Trap: A History of Democracy in Crisis from World War I to the Present - Revised Edition (Princeton University Press, 2017)
Frederick A.O. SCHWARTZ, Democracy in the Dark: The Seduction of Government Secrecy (New Press, The, 2012)
Irwin W. SHERMAN, Twelve Diseases that Changed Our World (John Wiley & Sons, 2007)
Ganesh SITARAMAN, The Great Democracy: How to Fix Our Politics, Unrig the Economy, and Unite America (Basic Books, 2019)
Frank M. SNOWDEN, Epidemics and Society From the Black Death to the Present (Yale University Press, 2019)
Laura SPINNEY, Pale Rider: The Spanish Flu of 1918 and How it Changed the World (Random House, 2017)
calls for papers & research news
Call for papers: International Journal for the Semiotics of Law & Comparative Legilinguistics - Covid-19 Infodemic – Between Law, Ethics and Fake News
The 2020 pandemic of Covid-19 virus struck the globalized world unexpectedly, resulting in the misleading predictions of fatalities information chaos and fake news. Aware of the consequential impact of distortions and half-truths, the World Health Organization stresses that societies suffer not only as a direct result of disease, social-distancing but also overabundance of information that makes it hard for people to find trustworthy sources and reliable guidance. The spread of rumors and misinformation has been possible also due to the prevalence of distance communication methods which enable publication of anything without any limits or peer review as verification. Such pieces of news, if skillfully posted, may reach enormous numbers of people causing harm and unpredictable consequences.
Our aims, with these 3 important Special Issues, are (1) to provide an international interdisciplinary forum of thought in these scientific fields where linguistic and legal interests converge, (2) to facilitate integration between linguists, semioticians, computer scientists, medical experts and lawyers from all around the world, (3) to demonstrate a broader overview of Covid-19 invading both our personal and professional spaces, and (4) to show the various political, legal and medical measures put in place to combat this invisible scourge.
2 Special Issues for International Journal for the Semiotics of Law, each of which can comprise 14 papers of no more than 30 pages.
1 Special Issue for Comparative Legilinguistics that can comprise 6 papers of no more than 30 pages
Deadline for abstract of 300 words: 10 December 2021
Link here
Call for papers: Institutum Iurisprudentiae, Academia Sinica (IIAS) - 9th Asian Constitutional Law Forum: Asian Constitutionalism in Troubled Times
The Institutum Iurisprudentiae, Academia Sinica (IIAS) is honored to be hosting the 9th Asian Constitutional Law Forum. Due to the ongoing development of the pandemic, the dates of the Forum have been changed from Dec 3-4, 2021 to May 13-14, 2022. It will be held at the IIAS in Taipei, Taiwan.
The general theme of the Forum is “Asian Constitutionalism in Troubled Times”, which covers the following sub-themes;
1. Human Rights Development in Asia
2. Emergency Power in Asia
3. Technology and Constitutional Development in Asia
4. Constitutional Change and Constitutional Stability in Asia
5. Constitutional Convergence in Asia
6. Hybrid Constitutionalism in Asia
7. Democratic Governance in the State of Emergency
Abstracts of papers related to constitutionalism in Asia which do not fall directly within the six sub-themes are still welcome.
Deadline for abstract of 250 words: 1 November 2021
Link here
Call for papers: Cyprus Human Rights Law Review - COVID- 19: The Protection of Human Rights in the Pandemic Era: Challenges and Responses
The COVID-19 ongoing crisis has been characterised by the introduction of strict and far-reaching governmental measures restricting fundamental rights to an unprecedented extent for western post-World War II democracies. The Cyprus Human Rights Law Review (CHRLR) aims to contribute to the debate by inviting interested scholars and researchers to submit their contributions on the challenges raised by the pandemic regarding the protection of human rights both in the European Human Rights Law (the ECHR and the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights), as well as the European and comparative national constitutional context.
We urge prospective authors to propose papers on the various aspects the current crisis in relation to human rights law both on the national and the supranational level. Following below is a purely indicative general list of topics from which interested authors may draw ideas:
The impact of COVID-19 on human rights, the rule of law and democracy
The normalisation of the limitations imposed on human rights protection in a democratic context
Legal, social, and political notions of the State of Exception
The protection of human rights in the COVID-19 era on the national and supranational level
A comparative assessment of the impact of the health crisis on human rights
European and global perceptions of fundamental rights in a pandemic
Deadline for submissions: 15 June 2021, 12.00 a.m. (EET)
Link here
Call for Papers: ELTE Journal - Legal Dimensions of the COVID-19 Pandemic and the Capacity of Law to Respond to Crisis Situations'
25 February 2021: The Editorial Board of the ELTE Law Journal is aware that a large number of articles have been already published on various legal aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, after more than one year following the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, the time is ripe for a comprehensive in-depth evaluation of the legal dimensions of the epidemic and more generally of the capacity of law to respond to a number of other crisis situations, such as economic depression, natural disasters, political changes and wars.
Authors are invited to submit articles of outstanding quality for this thematic issue. Topics include, but are not limited to:
the reactivity of law to crisis situations: state of emergency as a response?;
rule of law in light of the pandemic and other crisis situations;
Deadline for submissions: 31 May 2021
Link here
Call for Papers: Representation - Coronavirus and Representative Democracy
We are living through very uncertain times. One certainty is that the new coronavirus has significant implications for representative democracy worldwide. Representation welcomes submissions on any aspect of the relationship between coronavirus and representative democracy. For example, the effect of the virus on varying aspects of democracy, but also how different features of representative democracy are helping or hindering the capacity of societies to deal with it or how the pandemic may have different impacts upon the representation of various societal subgroups.
We are interested in both theoretical papers and empirical papers, utilising quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods. We are offering a prioritised review process for coronavirus related papers. If successful through the review process, your article will appear on the journal’s website shortly after being accepted for publication and will be included in the next issue. We accept articles up to 8,000 and research notes 4,000 words long. If you would like to discuss an idea for a paper then please contact the editors via:
Link here
Call for Papers: Public Law- Covid-19 Public Law Analysis Sections
The Editorial Committee of Public Law welcomes submissions to the journal’s ‘analysis’ section dealing with issues relating to the public law dimensions of the current Covid-19 pandemic.
We are keen to ensure that Public Law’s coverage of Covid-19 issues represents a diverse range of viewpoints and topics, and envisage publishing a series of pieces in the January and April 2021 issues of the journal.
Link here
Call for Papers: American Journal of Intenational Law (AJIL)
The American Journal of International Law is issuing a worldwide call for papers for an Agora symposium to be published in the October 2020 issue of the Journal. The topic – “The International Legal Order and the Global Pandemic” – recognizes that the present crisis raises foundational questions for the international legal order that extend beyond the immediate challenges to public health and economic stability. More information about the Agora can be found here.
Call for Papers: Católica Law Review
Call for papers: Católica Law Review: “Public Law in Times of Crisis”. (Vol. V -issue 1). Deadline for submission: 30 September 2020 / Publication: January 2021. Information here.
Call for Papers: Journal of African Law - Special Issue: ‘Covid-19 and the Law in Africa’
The Journal of African Law (JAL) has issued a call for papers seeking submissions on a wide variety of COVID-19 related topics, including the following:
Covid-19, emergency laws and law enforcement
Covid-19 and human rights law (particularly freedom and the security of the person, freedom of expression, assembly, movement and residence, trade, occupation and profession, the right to education, right to privacy and access to information)
Covid-19 and governance/public institutions, particularly the role of courts, oversight institutions and parliaments
The deadline is 30 September 2020 and the full call is here.
Forthcoming Special Issue: Democratic Theory
Democratic Theory has a forthcoming special issue on COVID-19's impacts on democracy. Over 20 contributions from scholars worldwide, to be published as Volume 7, 2020. No formal call for papers was issued and the volume is now full.
Call for Papers: UNSW Law Journal
The University of New South Wales Law Journal is seeking submissions for Issue 44(1), which is a themed Issue on the topic ‘Rights Protection amidst COVID-19’. The call for submissions can be found here. The submission deadline for the thematic Issue 44(1) is 5 September 2020. Publication of Issue 44(1) is set for late March 2021.
Call for Papers: West European Politics
New West European Politics call for papers for a Special Issue on "The Corona Crisis in Europe: Reactions, Consequences, Lessons", edited by Klaus H. Goetz, Dorte Sindbjerg Martinsen & Wolfgang C. Müller.
Expressions of interests are due 6 May.
Manuscripts are due 15 August.
Link here
Call for Papers: Federal Law Review
The Federal Law Review is interested in submissions, or inquiries re possible submissions, on the COVID-19 crisis and its relation to public law. Any queries please contact or General Editor
Cambridge University Press
John Dryzek's seminal 1990 book, Discursive Democracy: Politics, Policy and Political Science, has been made open access. Available here.
Journal of Democracy Now Free
As part of its response to the challenges created by the COVID-19 global public health crisis, Project MUSE is making all Journal of Democracy content open-access until May 31. Full statement here