Political Studies Association: ‘PSA Parliaments Annual Conference: The Impact of COVID-19 on Parliaments’ - 11 November 2020, 14.00-16.00 (GMT)

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This year we are holding our Annual Conference online and we have got a humdinger of a panel to start us off.

Our topic is the impact of COVID-19 on parliaments and our speakers are:

  • Meg Russell on "The principles and practice of parliamentary functioning post-COVID-19: challenges and opportunities";

  • Philip Norton on "Parliaments and informal space: the unseen impact of crisis";

  • Dalila Maulide on "Inter-parliamentary cooperation in times of pandemics"; and

  • Kuffour Nimako Anning on "The past, present and future debates of Ghana’s parliament: making it possible amidst COVID-19"