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As states emerge from the Covid-19 crisis, this panel examines the processes of response, reform and recovery, within legal and political systems from across the EU. From the perspectives of civil society and constitutional orders (Paul Blokker, RECONNECT); public health and international human rights law (Cassandra Emmons, Princeton); and SURE (European Unemployment Reinsurance Scheme) (Andrea Sangiovanni, King’s-EUI), this panel will provide an economic, political, social and legal analysis of how states are responding to the crisis. Joelle Grogan (RECONNECT), convenor of the 'COVID-19 and States of Emergency' Verfassungsblog and DRI Symposium, will provide an initial overview of EU Member States' emergency responses, highlighting the most concerning and most promising legal developments.
Participation is free, but we kindly ask you to register your attendance to the online panel via the link below: