Chatham House: ‘2020 US Elections – Leadership, Democracy and the Presidency’ - 23 September 2020, 15.00-15.45 (BST)

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President Trump’s leadership style has threatened many longstanding democratic norms and is likely to have an enduring impact on the office of the US president. From recently hosting the Republican National Convention in the Rose Garden to attacking US intelligence agencies, the media, Congressmen and women and even army generals, Trump has challenged assumptions about what constitutes legitimate authority for the US president. Amid a global health crisis, widespread protests against racial injustice, rising unemployment, a trade conflict with China and extreme weather-related events, is strong leadership more important than ever and is it at odds with democratic leadership?

This event examines how presidential leadership is changing in the US and what its impacts are on America's democracy and global leadership. What changes have been made to democratic norms and how has Trump challenged the status quo on key issues such as the economy and multilateral cooperation? What challenges would a Biden presidency face in reversing these changes? And how does the office of the presidency, and its occupant, affect perceptions of the integrity of key institutions such as the media, judiciary and Congress?

Held in collaboration with Chatham House's US and the Americas Programme, this webinar is the first in a series of events looking at key issues in the 2020 US elections.