IU’s Global Gateways: ‘Coronavirus and Governance Around the World’ - 25 September 2020, 10.00-11.15 (EDT)

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The pandemic has shaped safety and the economy in profound ways. What does it mean for how governments work? How are leaders held responsible for pandemics? What does it mean for cross-national collaboration?


Ana Barbara Mungary-Moctezuma - Autonomous University of Baja California and member of Mexico´s National Research System

Phil Robertson - Human Rights Watch Asia

IU Alumnus Jianxun Wang - China University of Political Science and Law

This event is part of the webinar series Democracy around the World, presented by Indiana University’s Global Gateways. Webinars will be approximately 75 minutes long with time for Q&A. With the speakers’ permission, they will be recorded for students unable to attend live.