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This event is the second in a series of three webinars.
States around the world have struggled to come up with the best legislative response to the coronavirus pandemic. Although each state has taken a different response, common issues have emerged. What is the role of the legislature, the executive and the courts? Are 'normal' laws enough, or is there a need for emergency measures? Are legislative measures within the constitution, or are they stretching it to breaking point? Do we need absolute scientific certainty before taking protective measures, or can we proceed without that evidence? Is the pandemic being used as an excuse to proceed without scrutiny? How best to regulate the emergency and the medical response?
The journal Theory and Practice of Legislation is publishing a special issue devoted to examining these issues. This webinar is being hosted by the Bingham Centre for the Rule of Law in partnership with the journal. The authors of the papers will be presenting their findings at the webinar. The special issue is being edited by Dr Ronan Cormacain of the Bingham Centre for the Rule of Law, and Dr Ittai Bar-Siman-Tov of Bar-Ilan University. In accordance with the Covid-19 policy of the publishers, all papers published will be made available free of charge online.