Workshop on Contentious Politics and Democracy in Asia - Keio University, Tokyo, Japan, 13 June 2020

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Full details here

Deadline for applications: 27 March 2020


In recent decades, a number of countries in East and Southeast Asia have experienced various forms of “contentious politics,” including street demonstrations, civil disobedience, riots, terrorism, and rebellion. What motivates people to engage in these forms of contentious politics? How do they rise, spread, and calm down? What are their consequences on society and politics? How do international and regional forces influence them? This workshop will address these questions to gain an organic understanding of politics in Asia. We are working toward publication of some the final papers in a special issue of a high-profile, peer-reviewed academic journal.

Key Dates:

Deadline for paper proposal: March 27, 2020

Decisions: April 3, 2020

Full draft papers due: June 1, 2020

Workshop: June 13, 2020