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It is our pleasure to invite you to take part in the Global Conference ‘Representation in the Age of Populism? – Ideas for Global Action.’ The conference is arranged by our organizations, and kindly hosted by the Belgian Senate from June 18th to 20th, 2018.
The conference aims to bring together leaders from politics, society, academia, democracy support, and media from across all regions, to shape a Global Agenda for the Renewal of Representation, a blueprint to reinvigorate the linkages between people and their diverse forms of representation.
The conference offers an opportunity for a frank dialogue and knowledge sharing across genders, disciplines, political creeds and geographical regions. We expect the Global Agenda can serve as blueprints to leaders from politics and society, and the communities working to support them to reactivate the linkages between people on the one hand, and both old and new representation forms on the other. The agenda’s focus is on tackling the changing nature of political representation through the identification of innovative actions.
Should you kindly accept this invitation, you are invited to make your own accommodation arrangements directly with the hotel of your choice. A range of hotels, close to the Belgian Senate, has been suggested. We would like to recommend that you make your reservation before 30 May 2018.
We look forward to welcoming you to Brussels to an inspiring and productive discussion. Kindly let us know if you would like to accept this invitation by registering
For any further information, please contact us through our colleague Mr Alberto Fernandez (a.fernandez@idea.int).
Yours sincerely,
Yves Leterme
Secretary-General, International IDEA and former Prime Minister of Belgium
Simone Filippini
Executive Director, Netherlands Institute for Multiparty Democracy
Ingibjörg Sólrún Gísladóttir
OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights
Anthony Smith
Chief Executive Officer, Westminster Foundation for Democracy
Nic Cheeseman
Co-Director, Research Centre for the Study of Parties and Democracy