IPSA World Congress - 'Borders and Margins' - Brisbane, Australia, 21-25 July 2018


Full details here

Many panels at the 2018 World Congress of the International Political Science Association (IPSA) concern the theme of democratic decay. The following are the key panels and presentations to watch out for. 

Congress General Sessions

Sessions encompassing general areas of the discipline, organized by session chairs.   
Panel/paper submissions open to all.

GS01 Democracy and Autocracy
GS11 Populism

Research Committee Sessions

IPSA’s research committees organize panels related to their field of interest.
Panel/paper submissions open to all.

RC02 Political Elites
RC10 Electronic Democracy
RC13 Democratization in Comparative Perspective
RC17 Comparative Public Opinion
RC20 Political Finance and Political Corruption
RC22 Political Communication
RC23 Elections, Citizens and Parties
RC34 Quality of Democracy
RC40 New World Orders?