Abstract submission deadline: 23 February 2018.
Full details here
PluriCourts and the editorial team of Global Constitutionalism invite contributions for its upcoming workshop, 4-6 July 2018 at WZB Berlin Social Science Center. The deadline for submission is February 23, 2018.
As part of this workshop special sessions for scholars interested in publishing in the field of global constitutionalism will be organized. Each selected scholar will be invited to present a paper to the workshop. They will also receive extensive feedback on their papers from senior scholars. The expectation is that selected papers, after revisions based upon feedback at the workshop, would be submitted to Global Constitutionalism for peer review with the possibility of publication. This is intended as an opportunity for researchers to receive mentorship in the craft of publishing in peer reviewed journals. Editors from the journal will work closely with the selected scholars throughout the process.
We invite paper proposals on any topic related to global constitutionalism. We define global constitutionalism as the foundations, limitations, and contestations of the principles and norms of political order and their dynamics over time on a global scale. One of the goals of the workshop is to advance global constitutionalism as an interdisciplinary field. Another is to promote the creation of networks of scholars working in similar fields. Thus, we invite submissions from a broad range of disciplines including International Law, Political Science, International Relations, Comparative Constitutional Law, Comparative Politics, Political Theory and Philosophy.
Possible topics include but are not limited to
• International courts and contemporary challenges to international courts
• Human rights
• The rule of law from a global perspective
• Contemporary challenges to democracy
• The legitimate role of the judiciary in the global order
• Contestation of global norms
• Global justice
• Transnational democracy
• Post-colonial critiques of global constitutionalism
• Non-western approaches to global constitutionalism
• The implications of the rise of populist and nationalist movements for global constitutionalism
• Global constitutionalism and cultural diversity
In order to apply, please submit a paper abstract of up to 400 words and an academic biography of 150 words at globcon-journal@wzb.eu.
The deadline for submissions is February 23, 2018.