Full details here
Internal meeting - by invitation only
31st January 2019 | 14:00-18:00
Internal meeting
1st February 2019 | 9:00-17:30
9:00-9:30 | Welcome addresses
Leonardo Morlino and Jan Wouters
9:30-10:30 | Keynote lecture
Speaker: Giuliano Amato
Chair: Jan Wouters
10:30-11:00 | Coffee break
11:00-13:00 | Panel: Revisiting the notion of authority
Chair: Leonardo Morlino
Joseph Corkin | Authority, Sovereignty and Supranationalism
Daniele Gallo | The Principle of Conferral and the Division of Competences between the EU and the Member States: Old and New Challenges
Aldo Sandulli | The Rule of Law in Action in the EU: an Administrative Law Perspective
Bernardo Giorgio Mattarella | Strengthening Authority in the EU: Access and Transparency Make the EU a Win-win Game?
Julien Navarro | Electoral Accountability and EU Authority: The Case of the European Parliament’s Elections
Discussant: Cristina Fasone
13:00-14:00 | Lunch break
14:00-16:00 | Panel: Revisiting the notion of legitimacy
Chair: Giovanni Orsina
Lise Rye | The Legitimacy of the EU in Historical Perspective. History of a Never-ending Quest
Cesare Pinelli | Input Legitimacy and Output Legitimacy of the EU: Where Are We Now?
Nicola Lupo | The Role of Parliaments in the EU between Legitimacy and Accountability
Andrea Sangiovanni | What Role, if any, Should Democratic Decision-making Play in Identifying Principles of Justice for the EU
Carlos Closa Montero | Reconciling Democracy and Rule of Law in the EU and in its Member States
Discussant: Kolja Raube
16:00-17:00 | Final Reflections and Debate
Keynote speech
Andreas Føllesdal | Challenges to Legitimacy and the Role of EU Courts
Chair: Daniela Piana
Concluding reflections | Daniela Piana and Jan Wouters