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There have been important developments and decisions taken in the past few months with respect to the rule of law in the European Union (EU). This includes, for example, the European Commission's proposal on the protection of the Union's budget in case of generalised deficiencies as regards the rule of law, which would bring conditionalities within the upcoming Multiannual Financial Framework, and the recent vote in the European Parliament (EP) to link EU funds to rule of law. The EP also initiated greater scrutiny over Hungary's attempts to undermine democratic institutions, while the European Commission initiated an Article 7 proceeding against Poland.
In the coming months, additional decisions will also be made that will significantly affect the rule of law in the EU, from the European elections to the ruling of the European Court of Justice (ECJ) on the legality of a controversial judicial law introduced by the Polish government, as well as the upcoming discussion within the Council of the EU on Rule of Law, scheduled for the end of March 2019.
You are invited to join a panel of experts that will take stock of these issues and reflect on the various mechanisms and approaches to promote, support and strengthen the Rule of Law in Europe. Chaired by Prof.Jan Wouters, the panel includes Judith Sargentini,Doru Frantescu, Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska,Bianca Toma and Nicolaas Bel.
This event is co-organized with The Bingham Centre for the Rule of Lawand the Romanian Center for European Policies.