Roundtable: 'The Conference on the Future of Europe – Promises and Challenges' - Embassy of Norway, Brussels, Belgium, 21 January 2020


Full details here

2020 will mark the start of the proposed Conference on the Future of Europe, which aims to bring together citizens from all over Europe, civil society and the European institutions in order to reflect on the future of the Union and give new impetus to the European project. This roundtable will discuss the potential of the Conference for strengthening European democracy and citizen engagement, as well as the critical challenges that the initiative faces. How should the Conference be structured and organized? How to ensure that the voices of all citizens are heard, in a spirit of inclusiveness and with respect for diversity? Which topics should be covered within the scope of the Conference? And how to ensure that the Conference delivers meaningful and tangible results?


  • Dr. Silvia Kotanidis, European Parliamentary Research Service

  • Professor Ben Crum, Professor of Political Science, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

  • Professor Oliver Treib, Professor of Political Science, University of Münster

  • Professor Giulia Sandri, Associate Professor of Political Science, ESPOL, Catholic University of Lille

  • Professor Pieter de Wilde, Associate Professor, Department of Sociology and Political Science, Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Practical Details:

Sandwiches will be served from 12 p.m. The event is free to attend, but registration is required by 19 January.

Click here to register